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Modelja u shpreh se do t’ia fale tradhëtinë partnerit dhe e arsyetoi kështu: “Kur të kem dikë dhe ta dua fort, sigurisht që do ta fal dhe do ta fal për arsyen se dalin shumë okazione rrugës. Nëse dashuria është sipër egos sime sigurisht që do ta falja”.

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    None of these payoffs is likely worth buying, and especially not the Rams, given the number of things that need to go right just for them to be competitive in the difficult NFC West. If the 49ers were to acquire Deshaun Watson, there would be a chance for the 49ers to make a Tampa Bay-like ascension in 2021, but it’s far from a lock that the 49ers will make such a move. Tampa Bay currently has the 12th best odds to win Super Bowl 58 with better odds than fellow NFC teams, the Los Angeles Rams and Seattle Seahawks. Check out the updated odds to win the Super Bowl for each NFL team after Week 12 and the original odds for each team from before the season. Former Panthers HC John Fox took on the legendary HC-QB duo of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady in Super Bowl XXXVIII, but like most of those who have faced this duo in a Super Bowl, the Panthers came out on the losing end. The Carolina Panthers lost the game 29-32 on an Adam Vinatieri last-second field goal.
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