
Pinte një pije energjike çdo ditë, burri gjen fundin tra gjik

Cassondra Reynolds, 49 vjeç nga Kalifornia, humbi burrin dhe babanë e tre fëmijëve të saj, John Reynolds për shkak të një arresti kardiak.

Ngjarja e rëndë ndodhi në vitin 2011 dhe shkak u bë konsumi i pijeve energjike.

Sot, Cassondra po tenton të rrisë ndërgjegjësimin e njerëzve lidhur me rreziqet e konsumit të një pije energjike në ditë, pasi një mjek e paralajmëroi atë se është si ‘të luash ruletë ruse me jetën tënde’.

Burri i saj i ndjerë punonte si mekanik makinash në orët e vona të natës dhe për këtë arsye pinte çdo natë një kanaçe pije energjike për të qëndruar zgjuar dhe i përqëndruar por kjo zgjidhje rezultoi fatale për të.

Mëngjesin e 5 shkurtit 2011 Cassondra u zgjua prej bashkëshortit i cili po vuante prej mungesës së ajërit ndërsa ishte duke kaluar një atak kardiak.

Gruaja tregon panikun dhe tmerrin që ka përjetuar në momentin kur burri i saj pësoi goditjen ndërsa pa se si ai u kthye në një ngjyrë mavi në fytyrë dhe ajo thjesht lutej të bëhej mirë por për fat të keq kjo nuk ndodhi.

Xhoni u dërgua me urgjencë në spital ku edhe qëndroi për 14 ditë në koma. Mjekët njoftuan të afërmit se truri i tij kishte vd ekur dhe se në je të e mbante vetëm zemra. Gruaja e tij mori vendimin që të hiqej aparati i oksigjenit.

Tre djemtë e çiftit ishin pesë, gjashtë dhe tetë vjeç në kohën kur u fik makineria që mbante në je të babain e tyre. Cassondra ka treguar se burri i saj kishte bërë një ekzaminim shëndetësoar një muaj para ngjarjes tra gjike por kishte rezultuar plotësisht i shëndetshëm.

Burimi: Unilad Përktheu dhe Përshtati: JOQ Albania

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED John and kids who can not be named.) A woman whose husband died after drinking an energy drink is sharing her heartbreaking story in a bid to get the US government to ban high-caffeine energy drinks. Cassondra Reynolds, 49, lost her husband, John, and the father to her three children in February 2011 after he drank an energy drink which resulted in him having a cardiac arrest. John worked as a mechanic and worked night shifts so would often grab an energy drink on his way to work to keep him alert as he worked through the night to provide for his family. Cassondra, from California, woke up one morning to hear her husband gasping for breath and had to perform CPR whilst the emergency services were on their way. The couple, who had been together for 10 years, had three boys together who were five, six and eight at the time of their fathers death. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED Cassondra Reynolds and her husband John.) A woman whose husband died after drinking an energy drink is sharing her heartbreaking story in a bid to get the US government to ban high-caffeine energy drinks. Cassondra Reynolds, 49, lost her husband, John, and the father to her three children in February 2011 after he drank an energy drink which resulted in him having a cardiac arrest. John worked as a mechanic and worked night shifts so would often grab an energy drink on his way to work to keep him alert as he worked through the night to provide for his family. Cassondra, from California, woke up one morning to hear her husband gasping for breath and had to perform CPR whilst the emergency services were on their way. The couple, who had been together for 10 years, had three boys together who were five, six and eight at the time of their fathers death. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED John) A woman whose husband died after drinking an energy drink is sharing her heartbreaking story in a bid to get the US government to ban high-caffeine energy drinks. Cassondra Reynolds, 49, lost her husband, John, and the father to her three children in February 2011 after he drank an energy drink which resulted in him having a cardiac arrest. John worked as a mechanic and worked night shifts so would often grab an energy drink on his way to work to keep him alert as he worked through the night to provide for his family. Cassondra, from California, woke up one morning to hear her husband gasping for breath and had to perform CPR whilst the emergency services were on their way. The couple, who had been together for 10 years, had three boys together who were five, six and eight at the time of their fathers death. SEE CATERS COPY.



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